Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Honk Honk!!

Christmas was FANTASTIC!!  I had a lot of fun with my family this year.  I don't like to travel for Christmas, but it was really nice to have all my family together in Grand Junction.  We ate, played lots of Guitar Hero, ate, enjoyed awesome presents, ate, learned Mom's secret recipes, ate, played card games, ate, watched movies, ate, and goofed off.  Did I mention we ate a lot?  Holy COW.  I can't remember ever eating so much food.  I take it as a sign that we are truly blessed and able to amply provide for our needs. 

I really love my family.  :)

Got a bite on a job in the DC area...  I decided to expand my search more north of Richmond.  I've been told there are more things to do, more singles wards, and all around much more interesting things closer to DC.  I still don't really know if moving (and so drastically) is the right decision...  I've been told to follow my heart, so that's what I'm trying to do.  Kinda hard sometimes to know exactly what the heart wants.  While I'm completely bored with life here, I do have wonderful friends, family, an amazing ward, and a job I love here.  Those are all things stowed carefully away in my heart.  So I could easily argue that my heart wants to stay here.  But on the flip side, I love adventure, exploring a new place, meeting new people, and having new opportunities.  So I could also argue that my heart longs for a new location.  I figure I'll keep making an effort at finding something worthwhile on the East Coast, and if the Lord wants to veto that decision, He'll stop me at some point along the way.  In the meantime... PATIENCE.  The one thing I'm best at. HA!!  (You may snort with derision now.  No really, go ahead.  I am.)

On a much less serious note, I have a joke that makes me giggle incessantly.  I apologize in advance for my potty humor:  "Do you know what the definition of a fart is?  It's poo honking for the right of way!"  hehehehehehehe!  Oh c'mon, you can't tell me you didn't giggle at least a little bit. 


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